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  • Describe his hair.
    He has short dark hair.
  • Describe his nose shape
    He has an aquiline nose
  • What does he look like? Describe his hair and complexion.
    He is pale and bald. He has a beard.
  • Describe his hair.
    He has curly dark hair.
  • She has her hair in
  • He has....
    a beard
  • What does she look like? Describer her hair and complexion
    She has wavy fair hair and a sprinkle freckles/ pale skin.
  • Describe her nose shape
    She has a snub nose
  • Describe her hairstyle
    She has her curly dark hair in a ponytail
  • Describe her
    She has red hair and a sprinkle of freckles.
  • She has her hair in .....
    a ponytail
  • Describe her complexion
    She is swarthy
  • Describe her hair
    She has wavy fair hair.
  • Describe his complexion
    He is pale
  • What does he look like?
    He has long dark hair and a beard.
  • He has .....
    a moustache