
Motivate 3 Unit 3 Reading Questions

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  • What does Joan Murray often do?
    She often goes skydiving!
  • How did Doctor believe the fire ants helped Joan Murray?
    Doctors believe the ants bit her and started up her heart!
  • When there was a loud noise, what was everybody already doing?
    Everyone was looking at Patrick Hughes!
  • How far away from the ground was Joan Murray when her emergency parachute opened?
    210 metres!
  • How did he get past all four crocodiles?
    The first one he ran across. The second one his swam under. The third one he swam over and the fourth one didn't reach him!
  • How fast was Joan Murray travelling towards the ground?
    She was falling towards the ground at a speed of 200km per hour!
  • What did Mark Flood want after swimming in the pool?
    He wanted to know who pushed him into the pool!
  • Patrick Hughes took his guests on a tour of his farm. True or False?
    False. Patrick Hughes took his guests on a tour of his mansion!
  • How long was Joan Murray in hospital for?
    Joan was in hospital for two weeks!
  • How long did Joan Murray stop skydiving for after the accident?
    She started skydiving again a year later.
  • Who was Patrick Hughes?
    Patrick Hughes was a millionaire.
  • Who did Patrick want to give his money to?
    To a brave person!
  • How did Patrick want to qualify individuals to be worthy of receiving his money or his house?
    He asked them to dive into the water, swim across to the other side and climb out!
  • How did disaster strike Joan Murray?
    Her parachute didn't open!
  • How many crocodiles where in Patrick's pool?
  • What did Joan Murray fall onto?
    A mound of fire ants!
  • What does Joan Murray love?
    Joan Murray loves adventure!
  • Which continent did Joan crash into?
    North America
  • What was the name of the man in the pool? And what was his job?
    His name was Mark Flood and he was a lawyer.
  • What happened to Joan Murray at the last moment?
    Her emergency parachute opened!
  • What did Patrick Hughes say to Mark Flood after he left the pool?
    You are incredible!
  • What was Patrick doing last month?
    Last month, he was having a party!