
Present Perfect Continuous / Present Perfect

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  • What new TV series have you been watching that you would recommend?
  • Have you ever drunk contaminated water?
  • Have you found any good restaurants in this area that you have been eating at recently?
  • What has been happening in the news lately?
  • Are you a member of any clubs or groups? How long have you been a member of that club or group?
  • What kinds of movies have you been watching recently? Would you recommend any?
  • Have you ever ridden a horse?
  • What have you been doing with your free time recently?
  • What are some of your favorite books, newspapers or magazines that you have been reading lately?
  • Have you ever met a famous person?
  • Have you ever seen aurora borealis?
  • Why has this been a good (or bad) year?
  • Have you ever ratted on someone?
  • Have you helped a friend move house?
  • Have you followed any TV series for a really long time?
  • Have you been getting enough exercise?
  • Have you learned to play a musical instrument?
  • Which spicy foods have you tried?
  • Have you ever made a monkey out of someone?
  • What is the best movie you have ever seen?
  • Have you ever promised someone the moon?
  • Are there any blogs that you have been following?
  • Have you ever tilted at windmills?
  • What is the strangest food you have eaten?