
Upper Intermediate Revision

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  • Martin’s biggest __________ is that he can’t concentrate for very long. (weak)
  • Contrary to popular ________ , drinking coffee can be good for your health. (believe)
  • Sorry, I must have ______ the number. I thought it was a ‘3’ and not an ‘8’. (read)
  • This kind of journalist can help you with your problems if you write to her.
    Agony aunt
  • The company has a big market share even though they do very little advertising. (in spite of)
    In spite of doing very little advertising, the company ...
  • Daniel, your trousers look / looks dirty.
  • A word which means when, e.g. a newspaper shows favour towards a certain group or opinion.
  • The chemist can warn / advise you which is the best medicine to take.
  • But I read an / some information on a website which said that sleeping tablets aren’t good for you.
  • The vet picked up the dog carefully and lay / laid it on the bed.
    laid (past of lay)
  • Since Jane’s been going to the gym, she’s noticed a definite _________ in the way she looks and feels. (improve)
  • You’re going to give me some advices / advice about reducing stress.
  • Although there’s a sauna at my gym, I never use it because I can’t stand extreme ________. (hot)
  • Be careful you don't scratch the furniture with that / those scissors, Bertha!
  • My mum’s one of the most ________ people I know. She’s always happy! (cheer)
  • I remembered / reminded him that the meeting was at 2 p.m.
  • A lot of companies have reduced staff numbers so that they can save money. (in order to)
    In order to save money, a lot of companies...
  • Don’t you think we need to argue / discuss this before we make a decision?
  • An adjective used to describe an article that tries to get your interest by presenting facts or events as worse or more shocking than they really are.
  • I know they can sometimes be rude, but we expect our staff / staffs to be polite at all times.
  • One of the main problems facing governments today is ___________ . (terror)
  • Nick didn’t tell Louisa the truth because he didn’t want to hurt her feelings. (so as)
    Nick didn’t tell Louisa the truth so as not to hurt her feelings.
  • I’ve talked to you before about your behaviour / behaviours with customers.