
Ages and stages

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  • G........, that's a step in the right direction but we still don`t know if our plan will actually be well-received
  • I never seem to g....... r........ to tidying up my desk
    get round
  • I can see that you don't like being told what to do, but now the b..... is on the o..... f...! You will have to obey the orders you are given
    the boot is on the other foot
  • You must learn to p........ your work. Do what is most urgent first
  • She p........her idea to me over a business lunch.
  • The advert for the energy drink is t........ specifically at young peopl
  • It is high time we g..... d....... to it. We have a deadline to meet Lets not waste any more time
    get down
  • Because of her y..........appearance and energetic spirit, it was hard for anyone to believe that Tina
  • All her life she had a c....... trust in other people.
  • Her beliefs are unjustified and irrational because they are the product of w..... t......
    wishful thinking.
  • Now that he has been promoted he will have to t.... o.... new responsibilities
    take on
  • Recent research has found that regular physical activity can add two or more years toRecent research has found that regular physical activity can add two or more years to l........e......
    life expectancy.
  • Most of these people could go back to work - except institutional a........ has made them feel they are on the scrapheap