
English Program General Info

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  • The name of the platform you will be working your independent activities is:
    My English Lab
  • When I am in my english class IHow do I feel?
    Motivated, Important, Musical
  • What is the dead line for "MY ENGLISH LAB" (MEL) for the 2nd term?
    October 6th
  • How Much does the book cost?
    between $ 80,000 and $85,000 Pesos
  • Your teacher's name is:
    Dwayne Jhonson
  • What is the percentage of the first term?
  • Where can I get some information about "How To buy the book"?
    SAVIO Platform
  • What is the dead line for "MY ENGLISH LAB" (MEL) for the 3rd term?
    November 17th
  • What's the NRC of the course?
    E3_2487, E3_2488, E3_2490
  • What is the dead line for "MY ENGLISH LAB" (MEL) for the 1st term?
    August 25th.
  • The second midterm exams are:
    October 7th - 11th
  • What is the percentage of the third term?
  • The percentage for the oral midterm is:
  • The first midterm exams are:
    Week 5 August 26 –August. 30
  • How many absences must a student have to fail the course in 0.5?
    13 (20%)
  • The book for this level is:
    English 3( Top Notch 2)
  • A student gets (5.0) in the class Participation grade when:
    He/She completes 10 participation points
  • The percentage for class Participation is