
I don't feel very well

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  • What is the word?
    a cold
  • What is the word?
    a headache
  • Ask for medication.
    What have you got for sunburn? / Have you got something for sunburn?
  • What is the word?
    a cough
  • What is the word?
  • What is the word?
    a toothache
  • I walked home last night in the rain and now I have a really bad cold.
  • What is the word?
    a temperature
  • When you feel very ill, you should ...
    see a doctor / take some medicine / go home and rest.
  • What is the word?
  • 3 things you do to keep healthy
    drink a lot of water / take regular exercise / eat fresh fruit and vegetables.
  • 3 expressions to ask about someone's health.
    What's matter? / What's wrong? / Are you feeling OK?
  • What is the word?
    a sore throat
  • Ask for medication.
    Have you got something for a headache? / What have you got for a headache?