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  • Which phrase is appropriate to describe this image?
  • Hurting our friends is…attitude
  • What is habit?
    is a routine of behavior that is repeated regularly and tends to occur subconsciously.
  • Healthy habit or Unhealthy Habit. Ignoring rules at school.
    Unhealthy Habit
  • True or False. You should always listen to the teacher.
  • Which phrase is appropriate to describe this image?
    being honest
  • How to be a diligent student?
    Complete your tasks on time.
  • Healthy habit or Unhealthy Habit. Eating food that is good for your body.
    Healthy habit
  • Which phrase is appropriate to describe this image?
    Raise your hand before talking
  • This is a good characteristic. greedy / honest / rude
  • What will you do when your friend is injured while playing?
    C. help
  • List one the example of good habit.
    Washing hands before and after eating food.
  • Bad thoughts lead to bad ___________
  • Which is not the example of a good habit at school? Listen carefully / Use polite words /Tease your friends
    Listen carefully
  • We should be friends with….
    all students at school
  • True or False. God never protects us from danger.
  • Spitting everywhere is a…
    bad habit
  • One of the good habits used during online or offline learning is....
    show respect to your teacher and friends
  • True or False. Students should not only be clever but also neatly dressed and well behaved.
  • Helping other people is….
  • Healthy habit or Unhealthy Habit. Getting enough sleep.
    Healthy habit
  • True or False. You can disturb your friends.
  • True or False. It is okay to fight with friends.
  • Healthy habit or Unhealthy Habit. Practicing a new skill.
    Healthy habit
  • We must always say___________words.