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  • It gives views or opinions of the editor or publisher on certain issues or events.
  • It contains news about solar systems, and inventions of new products like cellphones, Wifi, AI (Artificial Intelligence), etc.
    Science and Technology
  • It usually contain the things that are happening to a modern day person's health. There might be news containing things about fitness and nutrition, new health care policies, and mental health and behavior.
  • It contains advertisements that fall under the categories like “Help”, “Wanted”, “For Lease / For Sale”, and “Wanted To Buy".
    Classified Ads
  • It contains lists of people who recently died and the time and place of their burials.
  • Is the news media jargon for news from abroad, about a country or a global subject.
    World News
  • This section contains news on events containing sports from in and out of the country. It also contains well-known people in the sports world.
    Sports Page
  • Contains businessmen and people interested in business with information on banking. foreign exchange rates, imports and exports, and prices of prime commodities.
    Business Page