
Present simple

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  • Melanie has a new car. We ...
    We have a new car.
  • What does your mom do after work? (you)
    What do you do after work?
  • Do you drink coffee? (she)
    Does she drink coffee?
  • My husband doesn't like fish. I ...
    I don't like fish
  • I work in Mexico. My brother ...
    My brother works in Mexico
  • I don't read books. My friends ...
    My friends don't read books
  • When do you go to school? (your brother)
    When does your brother go to school?
  • My mom watches Netflix. My friend and I ...
    My friend and I watch Netflix. / We watch Netflix.
  • My sister and I don't have a dog, we have a cat. My friend ...
    My friend doesn't have a dog, she has a cat
  • We drink hot chocolate in winter. They ....
    They drink hot chocolate in winter.
  • I live in New York. He ...
    He lives in New York
  • I don't eat meat. John ...
    John doesn't eat meat.
  • I speak Japanese. She ...
    She speaks Japanese.
  • Do you work in a bank? (your father)
    Does your father work in a bank?