
100-word Reading 2

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  • <해석> Zhuge killed cows and horses instead.
    제갈은 대신에 소와 말을 죽였어요.
  • There is [ little / few ] orange juice in the glass.
  • We celebrate the New Year _________ January 1.
  • <Yes or No> Not do use a cell phone.
    No. (Not do -> Do not)
  • <Yes or No> Lily live in a nice house.
    No. (live -> lives)
  • <해석> He visits an animal shelter three times a week.
    그는 동물 보호소를 일주일에 3번 방문해요.
  • <Yes or No> Keeps quiet.
    No. (Keeps -> Keep)
  • <해석> He filled the buns with the animal meat.
    그는 동물 고기로 빵을 채웠어요.
  • <해석> That sounded like raindrops to people.
    그것은 사람들에게 빗방울 소리처럼 들렸어요.
  • <해석> The Book Buddies program is not just good for the cats.
    북 버디 프로그램은 고양이들에게만 좋은 것이 아니에요.
  • I get up _______ six every morning.
  • <해석> Now in Turkey, we sleep in a crowded tent.
    터키에서 지금 우리는 사람들이 붐비는 텐트에서 자요.
  • Linda has piano lessons _________ Thursdays.
  • <Yes or No> Kate like kids.
    No. (like -> likes)
  • A: ________ is Lily's birthday? B: It is April 20.
  • <해석> Can you hear the raindrops?
    빗방울 소리가 들리나요?
  • <해석> There are many people in front of his house.
    그의 집 앞에 많은 사람들이 있어.
  • There are [ a little / a few ] apples on the tree.
    a few
  • <해석> People in his village play the talking drum to send messages.
    마을 사람들은 메시지를 보내기 위해서 말하는 북을 쳐.
  • He (study) for the math test yesterday.
  • The firefighter (save) a girl a week ago.
  • <해석> Children take the books and read to shy, nervous shelter cats.
    아이들은 책을 가져와서 겁많고 불안해하는 고양이들에게 읽어줘요.
  • <Yes or No> We learns English every Friday.
    No. (learns -> learn)
  • <Yes or No> Stop and waits here.
    No. (waits -> wait)
  • <해석> Many people loved his music.
    많은 사람들이 그의 음악을 좋아했어요.
  • <해석> Someone is playing the talking drum.
    누군가 말하는 북을 치고 있어.
  • <해석> Rich sugar in apples can give you energy.
    사과의 풍부한 설탕은 당신에게 에너지를 줘요.
  • <해석> Chopin waited for her at the window.
    쇼팽은 창가에서 그녀를 기다렸어요.
  • A: _________ does Hyun-Jun go to school? B: He goes to school by bus.
  • They (watch) TV last night.
  • <해석> There is a newborn baby.
    갓난 아기가 있어.
  • <해석> On the way back, Zhuge's army reached a dangerous river.
    돌아오는 길에, 제갈의 군대는 위험한 강에 도달했어요.
  • <해석> The sugar can make you fat while you sleep.
    자는 동안 설탕은 당신을 살찌게 할 지도 몰라요.
  • A: ________ is Sung-Yoon crying? B: He dropped his ice cream.
  • <해석> Sugar in bananas will make you feel tired and hungry later!
    바나나의 설탕은 나중에 당신을 피곤하고 배고프게 만들거에요!
  • <해석> A few months ago, bombs fell on our town.
    몇 달 전에, 폭탄이 우리 마을에 떨어졌어요.
  • <해석> Watermelons give your body enough water.
    수박은 당신의 몸에 충분한 수분을 줘요.
  • <해석> I don't go to school anymore.
    저는 더 이상 학교에 가지 않아요.
  • He has [ much / many ] homework.
  • <Yes or No> Doesn't swim in the river.
    No. (Doesn't -> Don't)
  • <Yes or No> Ji-Hoo always brush his teeth before bed.
    No. (brush -> brushes)
  • <해석> Soon, the river became calm.
    곧, 그 강은 잔잔해졌어요.
  • <해석> I pick tobacco leaves all day..
    저는 하루종일 담배잎을 따요.
  • [ Much / Many ] people are waiting for the bus.
  • <해석> We became a refugees.
    우리는 난민이 되었어요.
  • <Yes or No> Do not taking photos.
    No. (taking -> take)
  • <해석> Through the program, the cats and the children become buddies.
    프로그램을 통해, 고양이들과 아이들은 친구가 돼요.
  • <Yes or No> I studies English every weekend.
    No. (studies -> study)
  • A: __________ is Linda doing? B: She is reading a book to Da-Eun.
  • <해석> Chopin was a great composer and pianist.
    쇼팽은 훌륭한 작곡가이자 피아니스트 였어요.
  • He has [ little / few ] money.
  • Hyun-Jun loves making a snowman _________ the winter.