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  • Something that is project / personal / goal is related to one person or thng.
    Something that is personal is related to one person or thng.
  • Many people have experiences/goals/impact or objectives that they want to accomplish in their lives.
    Many people have goals or objectives that they want to accomplish in their lives.
  • Complete with sequency words: TED ____ began to put videos of TED talks on the Internet. Five years ____...
    TED first began to put videos of TED talks on the Internet. Five years later...
  • A synonym for turn out: happens / impacts / inspire
    A synonym for turn out: happens
  • Solar energy, wind energy and hydroelectricity are examples of ________.
    Renewable energy.
  • Steel, oil, corn, grain, gasoline, forest resources, plastic, natural gas and coal are exemples of _________ .
    Raw material
  • In 2011, Kylie Dunn, a writer from Australia decided to shake up her life. What does it mean?
    She decided to change, reorganize her live.
  • Say in English: Ao invés de pensar no futuro como uma força imparável, as pessoas podem molda-lo.
    Instead of thinking of the future as an unstoppable force, people can shape it.
  • A(n) attitude / impact / project is carefully planned work that has a special purpose.
    A(n) project is carefully planned work that has a special purpose.
  • Projects / Goals / Experiences are events that happen to you.
    Experiences are events that happen to you.
  • The Japanese recycle more than half of their useless paper. (a synonym for useless)
    The Japanese recycle more than half of their waste paper.
  • People who watched TED talks...end up shifting their view of the future. What's the meaning of shifting?
    Shifting is moving, changing.