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  • Why are you reading this book?
    I'm reading this book because it's interesting.
  • Why is the girl sleeping?
    She's sleeping because she's tired.
  • Why is she eating?
    She's eating because she's hungry.
  • Why is the man running so fast?
    He's running so fast because he's scared.
  • Why is the girl so happy?
    She's so happy because it's her birthday today.
  • Why are you angry?
    I'm angry beacause I crashed my car.
  • Why is the cat on the heating radiator?
    It's on the heating radiator because it's cold.
  • Why are they sleeping?
    They are sleeping because the book is boring.
  • Why are the children making pizza?
    They're making pizza because they are hungry.
  • Why are the girls wearing summer dresses?
    They're wearing summer dresses because it's hot.
  • Why is the girl running away?
    She's running away because she's scared of a peacock.
  • Why is the boy crying?
    He is crying because he fell off the bike.
  • Why is the woman drinking water?
    She's drinking water because she's thirsty.
  • Why is the woman sitting in the fridge?
    She's sitting in the fridge because she's hot.
  • Why is the boy running?
    He's running because he is late for school.
  • Why is the man sad?
    He's sad because he dropped his telephone.
  • Why is your mum angry?
    My mum is angry because I've got a bad mark.
  • Why are they sleeping at the cinema?
    They are sleeping because the film is boring.
  • Why are you happy?
    I'm happy because I found 1 dollar.
  • Why is the baby crying?
    He's crying because he fell down.
  • Why is the woman wearing sunglasses?
    She's wearing sunglasses because the sun is shining brightly.