
Review Unit 6

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  • What's this? _m_s_m_nt p_rk
    amusement park
  • What's this? sh_pp_ng m_ll
    shopping mall
  • Can we stay out//get late late on friday?
    stay out late
  • Can we go//borrow some money?
    borrow money
  • Can we go //stay out to a party on Sunday?
    go to a party on Sunday
  • Can My friends and me have//get a sleepover tonight?
    have a sleepover
  • What's this? p_rk
  • Can she dye/get her hair green?
    dye her hair
  • What's this? l_br_ry
  • Can we buy//drive a dog tomorrow?
    buy a dog
  • Can I borrow/drive the car to the beach?
    drive the car
  • Can my sister get//borrow a tatoo on her legs
    get a tattoo
  • What's this? sk_t_ng r_ng
    skating ring
  • What's this? c_ff_ _ sh_p
    coffee shop
  • What's this? m_s_ _ m
  • What's this? sw_ _mm_ng p_ _l
    swimming pool