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  • What is this animal's category?
    It's an amphibian.
  • What is this animal's category?
    It's a reptile.
  • Where does this animal live?
    It lives in the Savannah.
  • What is this animal's category?
    It's an arachinid.
  • Where does this animal live?
    It lives in the forest.
  • Where does this animal live?
    It lives in the house. (it's a pet)
  • What is this animal's category?
    It's a mammal.
  • What is this animal's category?
    It's a fish.
  • What is this animal's category?
    It's a bird.
  • What is this animal's category?
    It's an insect.
  • Where does this animal live?
    It lives in the farm.