
Basic 3 - Recap 3

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  • List five animals that people are commonly afraid of.
    (spiders, snakes, sharks, lions, cockroaches)
  • List three things people can do on a snowy day.
    (build a snowman, ski, go snowboarding)
  • What do we call these things on the table?
    bowls and a plate
  • List three things that make people feel nervous.
    (a test, a competition, a change)
  • List three things that make people feel surprised.
    (a gift, a party, a visit)
  • List three verbs in the past that start with "w".
    (was, went, won)
  • List three things people usually want to do when they are tired.
    (sleep, take a shower, relax)
  • What do we call these things on the bed?
    a blanket and pillows
  • List three verbs in the past that end in -d.
    (did, found, had)
  • List three verbs in the past that end in -e.
    (broke, were, gave)
  • List two things that we use but nobody pays for.
    (air, the ocean)
  • List four things people usually do on rainy days.
    (sleep, watch Netflix, order takeout, read)
  • List three verbs in the past that start with "f".
    (found, fought, flew)
  • List five things people usually wear on cold days.
    (jackets, sweaters, gloves, scarves, pants)
  • What do we call this?
    a cup
  • What do we call these things?
    a spoon, a fork, a knife
  • List five things people usually wear on warm days.
    (tank tops, swimsuits, shorts, sandals, beach hats)
  • List three verbs in the past that start with "d".
    (drank, did, drove)
  • List four things people usually do on summer vacations.
    (eat ice cream, go to the beach, go swimming, go sailing)
  • List five verbs in the past that end in -t.
    (got, sent, went, cut, slept)
  • List five verbs that describe what you can do thing money.
    (spend, lend, borrow, save, earn)