
Intermediate 3 - Recap 4

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  • List five words that start with "r".
    (raincoat, rice, ravioli, raspberries, raisins)
  • List five words that start with "a".
    (amazing, avocado, asparagus, aubergine, audio)
  • List four words that start with "c".
    (cap, cappuccino, collar, costume)
  • List four words that start with "p".
    (pickles, pasta, pajamas, pants)
  • List three words that start with "m".
    (mango, macaroni, miniskirt)
  • List four words that start with "e".
    (earrings, elastic, evening, eggplant)
  • List three words that start with "b".
    (bacon, belt, button)
  • List five words that start with "j".
    (jam, jello, jacket, jewelry, jeans)
  • List three words that start with "k".
    (kilt, khakis, kale)
  • List three words that start with "h".
    (ham, hat, hoodie)
  • List three words that start with "x / y / z".
    (zipper, yogurt, xylitol)
  • List three words that start with "o".
    (overcoat, overall, onions)
  • List three words that start with "u".
    (underwear, uniform, undershirt)
  • List five words that start with "l".
    (lemonade, lasagna, lentils, leggings, leather)
  • List three words that start with "v".
    (vest, vegetables, vanilla)
  • List three words that start with "d".
    (dress, durian, diamond)
  • List three words that start with "s".
    (shorts, shirt, sausage)
  • List three words that start with "i".
    (ice, Indian, iphone)
  • List five words that start with "t".
    (tea, tomatoes, tie, tuxedo, top)
  • List five words that start with "g".
    (gown, glasses, gloves, garlic, grapes)
  • List four words that start with "w".
    (what, window, wallet, waffle)
  • List three words that start with "f".
    (fries, fruit, fashion)