
SO UI Revision Grammar Unit 6-10

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  • Find an odd word: I like cooking, but the surprising thing that is that I never do it.
    I like cooking, but the surprising thing is that I never do it.
  • You could/ managed to pass the exam, although you had so little time to revise!
  • I'd like to find three interesting places in this town/city which/to which/where I’ve never been to.
  • Rewrite the sentence using modals of deduction: I’m sure the man moved recently.recently.
    The man must have moved recently.
  • In two hours time, the class __. (definitely finish)
    will definitely have finished
  • Rewrite the sentence in reported speech: Last week, an interviewer asked me, ‘What’s your biggest weakness?’
    Last week, an interviewer asked me what my biggest weakness was.
  • Ten minutes from now, I __ here. (not sit)
    won't be sitting
  • I enjoy __ films in English. (able / watch)
    being able to watch
  • If I hadn’t started studying English, a) I might study/ might have studied another language. b) I wouldn’t go/wouldn’t have gone to university. c) I wouldn’t be/wasn’t able to watch films in English.
    might have studied, wouldn't have gone, wouldn't be
  • I'd like to find a person who/for whom/whose main interests include doing sports.
  • If you are in trouble, remember phoning/ to phone someone you know and tell them where you are and what happened.
    to phone
  • I study English for an hour a day but I keep __ the same mistakes! (make)
  • Rewrite the sentence using modals of deduction: I’m certain the postman didn’t deliver the letters.
    The postman can’t/couldn’t have delivered the letters.
  • Rewrite the sentence in reported speech: Once, I was trying on trousers and the shop assistant asked, 'Would you like to try a bigger size?'
    Once, I was trying on trousers and the shop assistant asked if I would like/wanted to try a bigger size.
  • Find an odd word: My hometown is such a so boring place.
  • If you've been mugged, firstly stop checking/ to check that you are fine and not hurt. Some victims forget being/ to be hit and only discover injuries later.
    to check, being
  • We were not supposed to/ didn't have to go out so late, but we did it anyways.
    were not supposed to
  • Rewrite the sentence in reported speech: Every day, my flatmate says, ‘Could you do the dishes?’ and then says, ‘I’ll do them next time.’
    Every day, my flatmate asks me to do the dishes and then says they’ll do them next time.
  • Correct mistakes: Look, I want you to get the right idea, but …
    Look, I don’t want you to get the wrong idea, but …
  • We would like to live in other/ another country.
  • Complete with participles: It’s a game __ (play) by two players, __ (involve) a small rubber ball and racquets and __ (take) place in a four-walled court indoors.
    played, involving, taking
  • If computers hadn’t been invented, a) the world would be/had been a less open place. b) people would spend/ have spent more time together now. c) my parents would end up/ have ended up in different jobs.
    would be, would spend, would have ended up
  • Find an odd word: Why on the earth am I learning English?
  • When I wore this costume, I couldn't see/ wasn't able to see properly.
    wasn't able to see
  • If you don't call the police, you will regret not doing/ to do this!
  • If I’d had the chance to live in a different country, a) I wouldn’t take/ would have taken it. b) I would find/ would have found it very hard to make a decision about where. c) I would choose/ would have chosen to live in Spain.
    would have taken, would have found, would have chosen
  • We like all/ every type of music.
  • Rewrite the sentence using modals of deduction: Maybe his friends sent mail to the old address.
    His friends might/could/may have sent mail to the old address.
  • We remember a large amount of/ quite a few of our dreams.
    quite a few
  • Correct mistakes: It that just I’ve noticed that …
    It’s just that I’ve noticed that …
  • Complete with participles: It’s a company __ (start) by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne, best __ (know) for its iPod and iPhone products
    started, known
  • I'd like to find someone that/whose/whom knows a famous person.
  • Complete with participles: It’s an arts building __ (stand) in Sydney Harbour and __ (make) of white tiles to look like sails
    standing, made
  • It’s not very good for a person __ alone when they’re depressed. (be)
    to be
  • Rewrite the sentence in reported speech: The other day, a complete stranger walked up to me and asked, ‘What have you been doing lately?’
    The other day, a complete stranger walked up to me and asked what I had been doing lately.
  • I'd like to find a person for whose/that/whom money is not important.
  • The most difficult thing about my day is __ to and from work. (travel)
  • Correct mistakes: There’s nothing I’ve meaning to talk to you about.
    There’s something I’ve been meaning to talk to you about.
  • In order to calm yourself, try drinking/ to drink some cool water - avoid coffee.