
Past simple

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  • My mother ................. (cook) lunch for us.
  • I ................... (not \ stay) at school.
    didn't stay
  • .................. (Fatimah \ come) home early?
    Did Fatimah come
  • ........................ (your family \ sell) the house?
    Did your family sell
  • I .................. (not \ sleep) early yesterday.
    didn't sleep
  • I moved to my new house 3 years ago. (make Wh question)
    When did you move to your new house?
  • Where ............... (Ali \ go) last week?
    did Ali go
  • I didn't go to the restaurant with my friends. (Make affirmative)
    I went to the restaurant with my friends
  • Me sister .................... (move) to another house last month.
  • I ................ (get up) a little late today.
    got up
  • I arrived home late. (Make negative)
    I didn't arrive home late
  • Sara ............. (leave) the party early.
  • Did you return to your country? (Make affirmative)
    I returned to my country
  • I lived in this city for 5 years. (Make yes\no question)
    Did you live in this city for 5 years?
  • I .................. (buy) a car last month.