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  • What's better? Dogs or cats? Why?
  • Do you have a pet? What's its name? Describe it.
  • Name 4 animals that can fly.
    bird, parrot, butterfly, bee.
  • What animal are you most afraid of? Why?
  • Name 5 animals that live in the water
  • Which animal has three hearts? a) fish b) octopus c) dolphin
  • Which wild animal is the most dangerous? Why?
  • Which is the biggest animal?
    the blue whale is the biggest animal
  • Tell me 4 dangerous animals.
    lion, panther, Hippos, crocodiles.
  • Have you ever visited a farm? What animals can you find there?
  • What's your favorite animal? Why?
    My favorite animal is...
  • How many legs does a spider have?
  • What animal would you like to be?
  • What is the color of a giraffe's tongue?
  • How often do you go to the zoo? What do you like about the zoo?
  • What animal do you like the least? Why?
  • Which animal is the fastest animal on Earth?
  • Who is stronger for you, a lion or a gorilla? why?
  • What is your favorite zoo animal?
  • When was the last time you saw an animal? What animal did you see?
  • Which animal do you think is the cutest? Why?