
Life Advanced Unit 12 review

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  • In "Would you repeat the question, please?", the word "would" is used for...
    ...making a polite request
  • Why are there more and more animals who were previously considered wild living in cities?
    Their habitats are shrinking; there is an abundance of food in cities; more prey have attracted more predators; less animal hunting
  • Sorry, c__ I j___ i________ y__ t____? Your numbers are incorrect.
    can I just interrupt you there?
  • How much does a Playstation 5 cost? Answer using approximation and vague language.
  • G__ _ ____ __! The bus leaves in 10 minutes!
    Get a move on
  • How many books did you read last year? Answer using approximation and vague language.
  • What should you do if you find a "large wild cat or coyote" in the streets of LA?
    Shout or throw stones
  • Rewrite using "would": "I couldn't watch the lesson because my computer didn't turn on"
    "I couldn't watch the lesson because my computer wouldn't turn on"
  • What is the population of Santa Maria? Answer using approximation and vague language.
    Over/around/about/roughly 300.000 people
  • How many fit in a regular Santa Maria bus? Answer using approximation and vague language.
  • What is the population of Brazil? Answer using approximation and vague language.
    Over/around/about/roughly 200 million people
  • Rewrite using "would": "When I was a kid, my father used to play soccer with me"
    "When I was a kid, my father would play soccer with me"
  • No, h___ __ _ m_____. That's not really what I said.
    hang on a minute
  • When Simba tries to talk to his dead father Mufasa, it m____ __ __ _____!
    moved me to tears
  • In "I'd say that the movie didn't meet my expectations", the word "would" is used for...
    ...expressing an opinion less forcefully