
GEN-101 Set 3

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  • Anachronism
    anything occurring outside of its natural time
  • Bigamy
    married to two people at one time
  • Synchronize
    to cause to operate in unison
  • Secede
    to withdraw formally from an organization, association, or political party
  • Exceed
    to extend beyond or outside of
  • Circuitous
    roundabout; winding
  • Bipartisan
    consisting of or supporting two parties
    go; yield; give away
  • Autobiography
    a written account of a person's life that is written by that person
  • BI
  • Precedent
    an occurrence that is used as an example when dealing with similar instances lter
  • Biodegradable
    capable of being broken down by living organisms
  • Circumstance
    a fact or an event accompanying another factor or event
  • Proceed
    to continue
  • BIO
  • Bilingual
    able to use two languages
  • Symbiosis
    the living together in close union by two dissimilar organisms that benefits them both
  • Biography
    a written account of someone's life
  • Circumvent
    to get around or to overcome by clever maneuvering
  • Bisect
    to cut into two
  • Intercede
    to plead on another's behalf
  • Bicentennial
    200th anniversary
  • Biopsy
    the examination of tissues removed from the living body