
Conversation Questions about Business Emails

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  • How do you feel when you receive an email with spelling or grammar mistakes?
    Your answer
  • Do you ever ignore an email? If yes, why?
    Your answer
  • How would you describe your email writing style?
    Your answer
  • How many emails do you send and recieve a day? Who to / from?
    Your answer
  • How often do you send and receive emails in English?
    Your answer
  • How important are emails to your job?
    Your Answer
  • What's your reaction to receiving an email after work hours?
    Your answer
  • How long does it typically take you to respond to an email?
    Your answer
  • Make a question
    Your answer
  • What's your position on if emoticons or giffs belong in business emails?
    Your answer
  • How do you feel about an employee who reply's all? Are you one?
    Your answer
  • What's your attitude towards emails in general?
    Your answer