
B1+ Unit 4 Business communication / Blockbuster

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  • IHYT...
    It'll help you to.......
  • BWT....?
    But wouldn't that .....?
  • WIAMT....?
    Will it allow me to ......?
  • TTB...
    That's true but....
  • AUFI....
    Another useful feature is ....
  • IWLY....
    It will let you......
  • IALMAB....
    It's a lot more accurate because....
    I have a question, too.....
  • IMS.....
    It might seem......
  • TAGQ
    That's a good question.
  • TMBI......
    The main benefit is....
  • TTB.....
    That's true, but.....
  • WILM.....?
    Will it let me.....?
  • INCT......
    I'm not convinced that......
  • WHI.....?
    What happens if ....?
  • OOTPI....
    One of the problems is ......