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  • Compare them using the adjective HIGH
    A hotel is higher than the cabin
  • Compare them using the adjective SLOW
    The smart car is slower than the SUV.
  • Compare them using the adjective COMFORTABLE
    A hotel is more comfortable than a cabin.
  • Compare them using the adjective YOUNG
    My mum is younger than my grandma
  • Compare them using the adjective COLD
    A cabin is colder than the hotel.
  • Compare them using the adjective DANGEROUS
    The snake is more dangerous than the tortoise
  • Compare them using the adjective FAST
    The SUV is faster than the smart car.
  • Compare them using the adjective DIFFICULT
    Maths is more difficult than Art.
  • Compare them using the adjective HEALTHY
    A salad is healthier than a burger.
  • Compare them using the adjective BORING
    Golf is more boring than football.
  • Compare them using the adjective LONG
    The snake is longer than the tortoise.
  • Compare them using the adjective DELICIOUS
    A burger is more delicious than the salad.
  • Compare them using the adjective EXPENSIVE
    The SUV is more expensive than the smart car.
  • Compare them using the adjective EXCITING
    Football is more exciting than golf.
  • Compare them using the adjective EASY
    Art is easier than Maths.
  • Compare them using the adjective EXCITING
    A cabin is more exciting than a hotel.
  • Compare them using the adjective HARD
    The tortoise is harder than the snake.
  • Compare them using the adjective SMALL
    The mouse is smaller than the elephant
  • Compare them using the adjective CREATIVE
    Art is more creative than Maths.
  • Compare them using the adjective BIG
    An elephant is bigger than a mouse
  • Compare them using the adjective OLD
    My grandma is older than my mum