
Places in town

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  • You can open an account and get money.
    It's a bank.
  • You can run or practice sport in this green space.
    It's a park.
  • You can buy coffee there.
    It's a coffee shop.
  • You can send letters, or buy stamps there.
    It's a post office.
  • You can buy books and magazines there.
    It's a bookstore or library.
  • You can go there when you're not feeling okay.
    It's a hospital.
  • You can watch movies and eat popcorn there.
    It's a movie theater or cinema.
  • You shop for clothes and accessories.
    It's a clothing store.
  • You can pray to God and do voluntary work there.
    It's a church.
  • You can get groceries, like meat, vegetables or drinks there.
    It's supermarket.
  • You can buy medicine or hygiene products there.
    It's a drugstore.
  • You can eat good meals in this place.
    It's a restaurant.
  • You can get gasoline and other vehicle products.
    It's a gas station.
  • You can exercise and do other physical activities.
    It's a gym.
  • You can buy bread and other baked goods.
    It's a bakery.
  • You can wait for the bus there.
    It's a bus stop or bus station.
  • You can sleep there when you're travelling.
    It's a hotel.