
Cultural awareness

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  • Beeing culturally aware is important. (It's important....)
    to be culturally aware
  • You can avoid lots of missunderstandings if you are culturally aware. (Sound more assertive)
    You can (absolutely/definitely) avoid lots of missunderstandings if you are culturally aware.
  • People adapt devices according to their necessities. (Passive voice)
    Devices are adpated according to people's necessities.
  • In some Asian cities it's acceptable to fall asleep on the shoulder of a stranger. (Gerund expression)
    Falling asleep on the shoulder of a stranger is acceptable in some Asian cities.
  • It's less expensive to buy a drink to your golf mates if you have a hole-in-one. (Sound more assertive)
    To tell you the truth/Definitely/Certainly it's less expensive....
  • People can always adapt to new things. (sound more assertive)
    Of course/Definitely/Certainly, people can always adapt to new things.
  • People in Italy associate chrysanthemums with funerals. (Passive)
    In italy, chrysanthemums are associated with funerals
  • In New York city, falling asleep on the shoulder of a stranger is not acceptabe. (It's....)
    not acceptable to fall asleep on the shoulder of a stranger.
  • People usually underestimate the importance of cultural intelligence. (Passive voice)
    The importance of cultural intelligence is usually underestimated.
  • In China, clearing up your plate is considered abusive. (It's...)
    considered abusive to clear up your plate.
  • In England, it's good manners to clear up your plate. (Gerund)
    In England, clearing up your plate is good manners.
  • Organizations do businesses around the world. (Passive voice)
    Businesses are made around the world.