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  • What do you do?
    I wash my hair / išsiplaunu plaukus
  • What is it?
    Its toothpaste / Tai dantų pasta
  • What do you wash your hair with ?
    I wash my hair with shampoo / Plaukus plaunu su šampūnu.
  • What is it?
    Its a towel / Tai rankšluostis
  • What is it?
    Shampoo / Šampūnas
  • What do you brush your teeth with?
    I brush my teeth with a toothbrush and toothpaste / Valausi dantis dantų šepetėliu ir dantų pasta
  • What do you do in the bathroom?
    I wash my face / Nusiplaunu veidą
  • What do you wash your hands with?
    I wash my hands with soap / Aš plaunu rankas su muilu
  • Do you brush your teeth everyday?
    Yes I do. I brush my teeth everyday / Taip aš darau. Valausi dantis kasdien.
  • What do you do in the bathroom?
    I brush my teeth / aš valausi savo dantis
  • What Do you wash your face with?
    I wash my face with a towel / Aš nusiplaunu veidą rankšluosčiu.
  • What are they?
    They are bubbles / Jie yra burbuliukai
  • What is it?
    Its a toothbrush / Tai dantų šepetėlis
  • What is it?
    It's a hairdryer / Tai plaukų džiovintuvas
  • What is it?
    Bathtub / Vonia
  • What do you do in the bathroom?
    I take a shower / nusiprausiu po dušu
  • What do you dry your hair with?
    I dry my hair with a hairdryer / Aš džiovinu plaukus plaukų džiovintuvu.