
Level 5 EF B1.2 unit 9A reported speech

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  • "What are you doing?" Tim asked me...
    Tim asked me what I was doing.
  • "You'll have to take it for walks" They said...
    They said that he would have to take it for walks.
  • "wake up and come outside!" He told...
    He told me to wake up and come outside.
  • "Do you really want a dog?" They asked him...
    They asked him if he really wanted a dog.
  • "Pets are supposed to be fun." He said...
    He said that pets were supposed to be fun.
  • "You can't just lie here on your chair all day." He said...
    He said that I couldn't just lie there on my chair all day.
  • "How can you be so lazy?" He asked me...
    He asked me how I could be so lazy.
  • "You have to take it for walks." They told him...
    They told him he had to take it for walks.
  • "Let's think about it" They told him...
    They told him that they would think about it.
  • "It's a beautiful morning" He said
    He said it was a beautiful morning.
  • "We'll have to take it on holiday with us next month." They said...
    They said that they would have to take it on holiday with them the following month.
  • "Are you sure you want a dog?" They asked him...
    They asked him if he was sure he wanted a dog.
  • "Where's it going to sleep?" They asked...
    They asked him where it was going to sleep.
  • "You should be playing outside" He told me...
    He told me that I should be playing outside.
  • "Don't forget about the cat!" They told him...
    They told him not to forget about the cat.
  • "Mum! Dad! Can I have a dog?" He asked his parents...
    He asked his parents if he could have a dog.