
B2 First- Use of English revision

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  • There is plenty of storage space ......the basement.
  • The lights aren´t working.I think the electrcity has been............(Complete)
    cut off
  • My mother is an artist and she loves Ireland because of its...................(nature) beauty and the light, which she says is ...................(remark)
    natural / remarkable
  • I live near a big . (industry)
  • The airport is ........the outskirts of the city.
  • I wish Anton .......... TV all the time.
    wouldn´t watch.
  • Why don´t we go for a jog? Mike said. SUGGESTED. Mike ..........................for a jog.
    suggested going
  • Federer is the best tennis player ever. (considered) Federer ..............................the best tennis player ever.
    is considered to be
  • We didnt have to repeat the exam because the teacher let......... (complete)
    us off
  • Javier felt disappointed not to be chosen for the team. FOR. It ........................................................Javier not to be chosen for the team.
    was disapointing for
  • A new water park will be probably be built next year. (thought) it ....................................water year.
    is thought that a new / will be built
  • My father does ......................research. (science)
  • I ...........said exactly what I thought.
    wish I hadn´t
  • She´s always ...............about how good she is at Maths. (phrasal verb)
    showing off
  • I expect people ate more vegetables in the past. MUST. People the past.
    must have eaten more vegetables
  • I .............I´m not disturbing you but I need to talk to you.
  • This dish needs more salt in it. ENOUGH. This it.
    hasn´t got enough salt