
No. I didn't

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  • You found one dollar yesterday. No, you ______________
    No, you didn't find one dollar yesterday.
  • They danced very well. No, they ___________.
    No, they didn't dance very well.
  • She sat on her new chair. No, she ________________
    No, she didn't sit on her new chair.
  • We went to the beach. No, we ___________________
    No, We didn't go to the beach.
  • My grandpa put a cup of coffee on the table. No, he __________
    No, he didn't put a cup of coffee on the table.
  • The girls had ice creams in the park. No, they_____________
    No, they didn't have ice creams in the park.
  • My cousin fell down the stairs last Friday. No, she ______________
    No, she didn't fall down the stairs last Friday.
  • We saw elephants at the zoo. No, we_______________
    No, we didn't see elephants at the zoo.
  • My teachers said hi and good morning. No, they _____________
    No, they didn't say hi and good morning.
  • My sister found some shells on the beach. No, she __________
    No, she didn't find any shells on the beach.
  • She spent 250S last Monday. No, she____________
    No, she didn't spend 250S Last Monday.
  • Ann won a gold medal last copmetition. No, she______________
    No, she didn't win a gold medal last competition.
  • My aunt ran very fast. No, she__________.
    No, she didn't run very fast.
  • My best friend took some photos of the bridge. No, she__________
    No, she didn't take any photos of the bridge.
  • My dad bought a new guitar. No, he______________
    No, he didn't buy a new guitar.
  • My brother lost his keys. No, he______________
    No, he didn't lose his keys.
  • They watched a new film last Tuesday. No, they ______________
    No, they didn't watch a new film last Tuesday.
  • The girl listened to music. No, she _____________
    No, she didn't listen to music.
  • I swam very fast. No, I _________
    No, I didn't swim very fast.
  • My sister played tennis yesterday. No, she____________.
    No, she didn't play tennis yesterday.