
Baby Shower Trivia

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  • How many hours of sleep per day on average do newborns need?
    14-17 hours
  • How long does it take for the average baby to double its birth weight?
    5 months
  • What day of the week are the most babies born?
  • What color do babies see first?
  • When does a baby graduate from "newborn" to "infant"?
    3 months
  • How many months does it take for a baby to develop fingerprints?
    3 months
  • Which body part is not there when a baby is born?
  • How long does it take for a baby to be able to taste salt?
    4 months
  • When do babies typically start eating solid food?
    4-6 months
  • What is the only developmental milestone for babies in the first 3 months of their lives?
    Controlling & lifting their head
  • When do babies typically smile for the first time?
    Around 6 weeks
  • Do babies lose or gain weight in the first week of their lives?
  • Which sense does a baby develop first?
  • When do babies start rolling over?
    4-6 months
  • How many bones are babies born with?