
Passive Voice

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  • Are they organizing the wedding?
    Is the wedding being organized by them?
  • The postman is delivering the mail.
    The mail is being delivered by the postman.
  • Is she preparing the party?
    Is the party being prepared by her?
  • Sheila is drinking a cup of tea
    A cup of tea is being drunk by Sheila.
  • I am writing a poem.
    A poem is being written by me.
  • My sister is feeding the dog
    The dog is being fed by my sister
  • My father is washing the car
    The car is being washed by my father.
  • Josh is not eating a pizza
    A pizza is not being eaten by Josh
  • She is taking a picture of him.
    A picture of him is being taken by her.
  • My mom is cooking some lasagna for the party.
    Some lasagna is being cooked for the party by my mom
  • The coach is congratulating the team for the game
    The team is being congratulated by the coach
  • He is not wearing a tie.
    A tie is not being worn by him.
  • Farmer Joe is milking the cows.
    The cows are being milked by farmer Joe.
  • We are not playing football.
    Football is not being played by us.
  • Is she watching the movie?
    Is the movie being watched by her?