
A tale of a fourth grade nothing Exam Prep Quest ...

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  • Who is Fudge? Explain him.
    Fudge is Peter's brother. He is really naughty and never listens.
  • Who is Mr. Yarby?
    He is the president of the Juicy-O-Company
  • What is Peter's father's job?
    He makes commercials for T.V.
  • What does "PASTIME" mean?
    things you do to pass the time.
  • What did Peter's mother think of Dribble?
    She thought that it smelled bad.
  • Fudge was Peter's biggest problem (TRUE OR FASLE)
  • What does "SLURP" mean?
    To make a loud sucking noise while drinking something
  • What does "EAT IT, OR WEAR IT MEAN"?
    Either you eat it or they pour it down your head.
  • How old is Fudge?
    Fudge is 2- 2.5 years old
  • What did Mr. Hatcher dump out on top of Fudge's head?
  • Why did Mrs. Hatcher want Peter to stand on his head?
    To get Fudge to eat something
  • What does "REPTILES" mean?
    turtles, crocodiles, lizards
  • Mrs. Yarby gave Peter a backpack as a present
  • How did Fudge lose his two front teeth?
    He fell at the playground.
  • What does "COMMERCIAL" mean?
    an advertisement on the radio or television
  • What did Mrs. Hatcher think of Dribble?
    She thought Dribble smelled funny.
  • What does "CRIB" mean?
    a bed for a baby.
  • Why does Fudge jump off the jungle gym?
    He is pretending to be a bird.
  • Fudge ate the flowers from the dinner table- TRUE OR FALSE
  • Peter liked the gift from Mrs. Yarby- TRUE OF FALSE
  • Fudge scared Mrs. Yarby with a Gorilla Mask
  • What animal does Peter have? How did he get it?
    Peter has a turtle. He won the turtle in his friends birthday.