
8 revision VOCABULARY

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  • My aunt bought p____________ cups in the f__________ m_________ in Paris.
    porcellain, flea market
  • She i_____________ a fortune from her unkle and paid the d_________ for her m__________ on the house.
    inherited, debts, mortgage
  • When a new vaccine is d_____________, the science d_________ v_________
    Developed, demands victims
  • It's a s_______________ d______________ to walk in this city in f_____________ c____________ and in the p____________ r______
    Striking difference, favourable conditions, pouring rain
  • I'm looking for a t____________ job for summer to p___________ myself with m_________
    temporary, provide with
  • All students in school go to e_______________sections. They have a f_____________ s__________
    extracurricular, flexible schedule
  • D_________ with people is a r___________ e______________ for the future s___________
    Dealing, rewarding experience, solicitor
  • It's great t____________ to visit this s____________ v___________
    temptation, spectacular venue
  • The b__________ is c___________, the cell phone is r___________. They are m________ c_______
    Bulb, curved, rectangular, mains charged
  • M____________ g_______________ lead to f___________ c_____________ of the planet.
    Melting glaciers , fatal consequences
  • It's t________________ to travel on a long distance to strange d_____________ and c_________ i_________ places. It takes a lot of months.
    Time-consuming, destinations, completely intact
  • The house was d___________ ____ the electricity because of the g__________ w________
    deprived of, gale forced wind
  • A ________________ i_______________ provides people with e________ s_____________ of devices.
    Artificial intelligence, efficient system
  • It's a v___________ n_____________ to e_____________ the c___________ and book a_____________ before travelling
    vital necessity, exchange the currency, accommodation
  • The c__________ was a______________in the court due to the absence of e______________
    Criminal, acquitted, evidence
  • For an elderly person it's hard to a___________ to w________ notes from the cash machine
    Adjust, withdraw
  • When one plays it, he e__________ the c___________ and r__________ t___________
    encourages compatition, removes tension
  • He l_________ a new business, and in a year it will b___________ i___________
    Launches, bring income