
9 old REVISE

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  • In a p_____________ city there is a l______ b_______ p__________ of life
    provincial, laid-back pace
  • The business connected with W______ w_____ __________is rather profitable. I think it will be very p__________in the future
    World Wide Web, prosperous
  • T___________ are not the c___________ s____________ of information, they gossip and e____________
    Tabloids, credible source, exaggerate
  • My sister felt d__________ because the cartoon she was watching was m_________. She alsmost fell asleep
    drowsy, monotonous
  • In sumer he had l_____________ i________________ at the language courses in Malta. Now he is b___________ a________ the good c_________ of English everywhere
    language immersion, boasting about, command
  • His c_____________ is l______________a new business. He invites me to join him as a cofounder
    colleague, launching
  • The signal from space is b____________ by the satellite to the ANTENNA. it's invention is a c________ c_________ of humanity
    Broadcast/ broadcasted, considerable contribution
  • Spanish is the second w_______ s________ l____________ on the planet. It's famous for its s_________
    Widespread language, simplicity
  • Chikatilo didn't have any a____________, he c________ c________________ alone.
    Accomplices, commited crimes
  • The scientists c__________ e______________ and c_________ d_________
    conduct experiments and collect data
  • The signal from space is b____________ by the satellite to the ANTENNA. it's invention is a c________ c_________ of humanity
    Broadcast/ broadcasted, considerable contribution
  • S______________people do not see p______________ dreams.
    Sleep-deprived people, prophetic
  • The c______________ on TV must keep the a_________________ behavior of the citizens. That's why profanities are cut off the stream
    censorship, appropriate
  • Historical cities are more p_______________ than c___________ j__________. You always want to draw them!
    Picturesque, concrete jungle
  • The a______________ ( young people) don't like visiting l___________ of the city. They prefer shopping and walking.
    Adolescents, landmarks
  • It's hard to a__________to life without modern c____________ in the r______ a_______
    Adjust, conveniences, rural area
  • The signal from space is b____________ by the satellite to the ANTENNA. it's invention is a c________ c_________ of humanity
    Broadcast/ broadcasted, considerable contribution
  • She a__________ ____ a job of a p___________in a new travel show
    Applied for, presenter
  • Aa a__________________defends, a p________________ blames, the j_______ r_______ the verdict
    Attorney, prosecutor, judge reaches