
Back home for traveling.

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  • What questions were you asked at immigration?
    Personal answer.
  • Did you have any bad experiemce during your vacation?
    Personal answer.
  • Where in the world would you most like to go for your next vacation? Why?
    Personal answer.
  • What is something you want to learn for the next time you travel?
    Personal answer.
  • Did you have any problem during your trip?
    Personal answer.
  • If you could repeat the same vacations, what would you do differently?
    Personal answer.
  • How long was your trip?
    Personal answer.
  • What's the weirdest thing you ate while traveling? Tell me about it.
    Personal answer.
  • What is something you wanted to say in English, but you couldn't remember how to do?
    Personal answer.
  • What was the weather like?
    Personal answer.
  • What was the most enjoyable thing you did during your vacation?
    Personal answer.
  • What is something you learned during English classes and you used during your trip?
    Personal answer.
  • What place you visited but you don't recommend your friends?
    Personal answer.
  • Did anything surprised you during your vacation? What was it?
    Personal answer.
  • What is the place you liked the most during your trip?
    Personal answer.
  • Where did you stay?
    Personal answer.
  • What was the best food you ate during the trip? Talk about it.
    Personal answer.