
Big English 4

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  • Name a day when you can see a parade...
    Carnaval, San Lorenzo...
  • What are you going to do in summer?
    I'm going to...
  • How do you say this number? - 41st
  • What is something that you think is boring?
    I think...
  • How do you say this number? - 22nd
  • What ______ you going to do next Saturday?
    are - I'm going to...
  • What is something you think is difficult?
    I think...
  • Compare 3 different animals using comparatives & superlatives
    taller than, the biggest, the most beautiful, etc...
  • What are you going to do next week?
    I'm going to...
  • What is your teacher ________ to do in summer?
    going - she's going to relax at the beach
  • What day is the 25th December?
    Christmas Day!
  • What would you like to learn?
    I'd like to learn...
  • How do you say this number? - 17th
  • She _______ know how to _________! (negative)
    doesn't / play the guitar
  • What is something that you are good at?
    I'm good at...
  • Compare 3 students using comparatives & superlatives
    taller than, shorter than, the longest hair, etc
  • What do you know how to do?
    I know how to..
  • He knows ______ to __________.
    how / dance
  • Name a day when you can watch fireworks?
    New Year's Eve, San Lorenzo...
  • When is your birthday?
    My birthday is on the...
  • What is something that you think is amazing?
    I think....
  • Name a day that we celebrate by giving presents...
    Birthday, Christmas, Mother's Day, Father's day...
  • What is the date today? (use ordinal numbers...!)
    Today is the...
  • Compare 2 activities or sports
    Basketball is more...