
Building Relationships

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  • What are 3 things you can't go without?
  • What is something that people sometimes misunderstand about you?
  • What is something that is difficult for you?
  • What is something that makes you unique?
  • What job would you never want to do?
  • If you had a magic wand, what would you make happen?
  • What is one of your pet peeves?
  • What is a job you are interested in for the future?
  • Would you rather give up a phone, or tv?
  • Where is a favorite place of yours to eat?
  • What is something kind you have done recently?
  • If you had to pick the chore that is least worst, which would it be?
  • What is something that makes you laugh?
  • When was a time you were proud of yourself?
  • What are 2 or 3 words that best describe you?
  • What activities do you enjoy once the school day is over?
  • If you could change something about yourself, what would it be?
  • If you could have ANY animal, what would it be?
  • What is a compliment you would give yourself? Or 2 or 3?
  • What is something you are looking forward to when you are older?
  • When you are having a tough day, what helps make it better?