
What Should You Do?

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  • You are making noises while you are working in class. Kids are asking you to stop, What should you do?
    STOP, you are making it hard for others to focus on their work!
  • Name two things that make your parents feel annoyed with you?
    Wow, but they still love you!
  • You are playing tetherball at recess and the other kid wins, what should you do?
    Congratulate him/her and say nice game!
  • You are not pleased with the team you have been assigned to play on at recess. You walk away and say, "I quit!" Is this a good way to handle it? Why/Why not?
    No, you should play with the team, you may end up really enjoying it!
  • An older kid is bullying a boy in your class. What do you do?
    Tell a teacher what is going on.
  • Name three things your teacher expects from kids in class.
    Awesome job!
  • You are on a field trip and are sitting next to someone you don't know very well. What should you do?
    Ask questions that help you to get to know them. What do you like to do for fun, do you have any brothers or sisters...
  • Give one example of a big problem and one example of a little problem.
    Great answer!
  • Your best friend forgot his lunch today and is very upset. What should you do?
    If it is allowed, you could share some of yours. If not, you can help him to ask a teacher or staff for help.
  • Name two things you can do to calm yourself down if you're feeling angry.
    You got it!
  • Your class is in the library at school and the librarian is reading a story you have already read. What should you do?
    Sit quietly listening, do not tell others what will happen!
  • How do you know if kids are feeling annoyed with you?
    The way they look at you and their body language.
  • It is quiet reading time. You notice some kids are passing notes to each other, what should you do?
    Tell the teacher.
  • You invite a classmate over to play and you really want to play your new game. When he/she gets there what should you do?
    Ask your friend what they would like to play, they are the guest!
  • How can you tell if kids are interested when you're talking to them?
    They are looking at you and responding on topic.
  • You want to play soccer with some kids at recess. How can you let them know you are interested?
    Stand close to them and ask if you can play.
  • Another classmate stands too close to you in line and it's bothering you. What should you do.
    Ask them politely to move back a little, never push!
  • You are working with a group on a science project. You did not get the part you wanted, what should you do?
    Do the part assigned to you without complaining. Maybe next time you will be able to get the part you wanted.
  • What are people thinking about you when you have a big reaction to a little problem?
    They will think weird thoughts about you, may make them want to stay away from you or tease you.
  • You are playing basketball with your team. You feel like you are the best player on the team. Should you shoot every time you get the ball instead of passing it?
    No, your teammates will think you are a ball hog and not want to play with you!