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  • How to say 48% in words.
    nearly/ almost/ about/ approximately half
  • Name 3 synonyms of the verbs "fall"
    go down/ drop/ decrease
  • Rewrite this sentence: "The development of new products fell gradually."
    There was a gradual fall in the development of new products.
  • How to say 20% in words.
  • Fill in the blanks "The percentage of children eating snack was at its highest level .......... January ........ March."
    from- to/ between - and
  • There was a ............. increase in the consumption of .................. from 1975 to 1985.
    sharp/ quick - hamburgers
  • Name a synonym of "fast"
    quick/ sharp
  • Rewrite this sentence: "There has been a noticeable decrease in research investment."
    Research investment has decreased noticeably.
  • Fill in the blank: ".............. of those surveyed said that they found the challenge exciting."
    less than 20% / just under 20%/ just under one-fifth
  • How to say 73% in words.
    just under/ nearly/ approximately three quarters
  • Name 3 synonyms of the verbs "rise"
    go up/ increase/ climb/ grow
  • How to describe the data if it doesn't/didn't change?
    stay/remain the same/ stable
  • Fill in the blank: " ............ said they felt more competitive."
    just under/ about a third
  • What do we need to do in line graphs?
    describe trends/ changes
  • Name a synonym of "siginificant"