
Guinness Records

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  • Who is the tallest woman in the world?
    Yao Defen.
  • Where does the king Cobra live?
    Southeast Asia.
  • How much did John Evans weigh?
    155.7 kilos.
  • Who has got the largest palace inh the world?
    The Sultan of Brunei
  • Yao Defen works in a circus with ...
    her father and her brother
  • Who balanced a Mini on his head?
    John Evans
  • How tall is the tallest woman in the world?
    She is 2.37m tall.
  • How much did the Mini weigh?
    159.6 kg.
  • Who pulled an aircraft?
    David Huxley
  • How many people can the king Cobra kill?
    20 people
  • How many bathrooms has the largest palace in the world got?
  • How many rooms has the largest palace in the world got?