
American Football

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  • What does the other team do to try to stop the team from scoring a touchdown?
    They try to tackle them.
  • True or False: This is American Football
  • In American Football the players want to get the ball into the...
  • If you could see a live sports game which sport would you like to see?
  • Would you like to play American Football?
    Yes I would. No I wouldn't.
  • True or False: This is American Football
  • If you got to go to an American football game would you paint your face?
    Yes I would. No, I wouldn't.
  • What does the team need to do to get an extra point after a touchdown is scored?
    kick a field goal
  • Which is your favorite football team?
    I like the...
  • When a player gets the football into the end zone it's called a...