
Air Travel Vocabulary

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  • What are the people who board on a plane called?
  • When we fly on a plane, we can look out through the .....................
  • Where are you?
    At passport control where your passport is sealed when you enter or leave the country.
  • Where does a plane land?
    It lands on the runway.
  • What's this?
    A boarding pass
  • Where can you leave your hand luggage?
    In the overhead locker
  • What do you need to enter or leave a country?
    A passport
  • A synonym to "DISEMBARK" a plane
    get off
  • The cheapest kind of airline...
    low-cost airline / low-budget airline
  • What's this?
    The security check
  • A-'What's happening?' B-'We're experiencing some...'
  • An adjective to say the plane will not arrive on time?
  • What is the device the crew use to communicate with the passenger during a flight?
    The intercom
  • What part of the airport do passengers go to get on the plane?
    The gate
  • What's this?
    The emergency exit
  • What's this called?
  • What's this?
    The aisle
  • A synonym of "GET ON" the plane...
  • Who is she and what is she doing?
    She is the FLIGHT ATTENDANT or STEWARDESS and is showing how to FASTEN THE SEAT BELT
  • A plane ___________ when it begins to fly
    takes off
  • What are these called?
  • The personnel who operate an aircraft during a flight is called ..................
    Aircrew / Flight crew / crew
  • What part of the plane is this?
    The cockpit
  • A-'Where are you?' B-'I'm waiting for my suitcase at the ____ _____.'
    baggage reclaim