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  • What does FOMO stand for?
    Fear of missing out
  • What does FYI stand for?
    For your information
  • What does L8 stand for?
  • What does IYKYK stand for?
    If you know you know
  • What does OOO stand for?
    Out of office or Out of order
  • What does AMA stand for?
    Ask me anything
  • What does LMK stand for?
    Let me know
  • What does FUD stand for?
    Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt
  • What does IDK stand for?
    I don't know
  • What does WDYT? stand for?
    What do you think?
  • What does G2G stand for?
    Got to go
  • What does AKA stand for?
    Also known as
  • What does JOMO stand for?
    Joy of missing out
  • What does BTW stand for?
    By the way
  • What does DYOR stand for?
    Do your own research
  • What does TBH stand for?
    To be honest
  • What does LOL stand for?
    Laugh out loud
  • What does YKWIM stand for?
    You know what I mean