
Basic - Review

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  • Name 8 sports objects
    Ball, helmet, racquets, goggles, fins, bat, rollerblades, cleats, skis and poles
  • Correct this sentence: The notebook blue is under the table.
    The blue notebook is under the table.
  • How is she?
    She's sick/ill
  • I'm ___ engineer and my husband is ___ driver.
    an / a
  • How is she?
    She's hungry
  • Name 11 colors
    Red, brown, green, pink, yellow, purple, white, blue, gray, orange, black
  • Good...
    morning, afternoon, evening, night
  • Como você finalizaria uma conversa em inglês?
    I have to go now, bye, see you later.
  • What's your city like?
    Dangerous, polluted, clean, safe, cool, boring...
  • Name the school supplies
    Calculator, eraser, pencil, scissors, pen, ruler, sharpener
  • How do you say: estou em um relacionamento, estou noivo/a, sou viúvo/a?
    I'm in a relationship, I'm engaged, I'm a widower/widow
  • How are you?
    Sad/upset, happy, excited, angry, sleepy/tired...
  • Como pedir algo emprestado em inglês? Como responder?
    Can you lend me your ___? Sure, here you are! / Sorry, I don't have one.
  • Como você apresentaria alguém em inglês?
    This is my ____, ____.
  • How do you say: cozinheiro/a, advogado/a, psicólogo/a, empresário/a, arquiteto/a, garçom/garçonete
    Cook, lawyer, psychologist, businessperson, architect, waiter/waitress
  • What's your name? (2 possible answers)
    I'm... / My name is...
  • Read: Mrs., Miss, Ms., Mr.
    Misses, Miss, Ms, Mister
  • How do you say: bombeiro/a, dona de casa, vendedor/a, cabeleireiro/a, pedreiro, funcionário/a público/a
    Firefighter, housewife, salesperson, hairdresser, construction worker, civil servant
  • A person from Italy is ___
  • How do you say: desempregado/a, escritor/a, político/a, músico
    Unemployed, writer, politician, musician
  • How do you spell your full name?
  • 14 + 13 = 27; 40 - 22 = 18; 70 x 12 = 840; 90 / 3 = 30
    plus, minus, times, divided by, equals
  • Nice to meet you!
    Nice to meet you too!
  • Where are the objects?
    on, under, in, next to, behind, in front of, between, on the left, on the right