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Forces within Earth

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What changes occur after a strong earthquake?
What is an earthquake and how is it created?
What should you do during a Volcanic Eruption?
What should you do during an Earthquake?
The scale used to measure earthquake magnitude is called?
Richter Magnitude Scale.
It is an instrument used to record the intensity, direction, and duration of the movement of the ground.
It is the world's largest earthquake belt.
The Circum-Pacific Belt
The point on Earth's surface directly above the focus is called?
It is the shaking or trembling of Earth's crust.
It is formed when two tectonic plates move away from each other.
Divergent plate boundary
It is formed when plates meet from opposite directions causing one plate to be subducted or moved beneath the other.
Convergent plate boundary
What are the three kinds of tectonic plate boundaries?
convergent, divergent and transform
This theory tells that the surface of Earth is broken into larger pieces of plates that "float" along the asthenosphere.
Plate Tectonic Theory
The continental drift theory states that the continents formed a huge mass called?
A German geologist and meteorologist, first proposed the continental drift theory.
Alfred Wegener
It is under extreme pressure that is why it remains solid. It is made up of solid iron and nickel.
inner core
It is made of solid bedrock, contains most of Earth's mass.
These forces are those that develop outside the surface of Earth.
Exogenic forces
These forces are those that come from within Earth.
Endogenic forces
Ocean floor is the ___________ that consists the landforms below the oceans and seas.
oceanic plate
This contains the different landforms and continents.
Continental Plate
It is the Earth's solid, thinnest, outermost layer .