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English File Intermediate 3rd Edition
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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A shop or restaurant that cooks and sells food for people to eat somewhere else.
How often .................................. out? (your friend / eat)
does your friend eat out
What time ....................................... ? (the film / start)
does the film start
Jane .......................... in Paris for a few months. (live)
is leaving
The water ....................... . Put in the pasta.
is boiling
Water .......................... at 100° (boil)
I .......................... what you are saying (not understand)
don´t understand
My siste (is always - always is) late.
is always
You ........................ your keys. (always / lose)
are always losing
These days, teenagers ......................... a lot. (eat)
are eating
What is the adjective for RELAX?
relaxed - relaxing
What´s the adjective for STRESS?
stressed - stressful
What is the adjective for SLEEP?
spleepy - asleep
What´s the adjective for WAKE?
Odd one out (smiling a): prawn - salmon - cabbage - lamb
What .......................... about your new job? (you / think)
do you think
You look sad. What .................................. about? (you / think)
are you thinking
My boyfriend ............................ how to make an omelette. (not know)
doesn´t know
Odd one out (long i:): beef - steamed - beans - breakfast
What are these?
What´s this?
What´s this?