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Food sentence transformation

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I don’t think there’s much WORK / OPPORTUNITY / POSSIBILITY of him being chosen for the job.
We did not go swimming because of the cold weather. / The weather.... us to go swimming (WARM)
The weather WAS NOT WARM ENOUGH FOR us to go swimming.
The news surprised her so much that she couldn't speak. / She ... the news to speak. (ASTONISHED)
She WAS TOO ASTONISHED BY the news to speak.
We ran out if petrol before we reached our destination. / We did not have... our destination (ENOUGH)
We did not have ENOUGH PETROL TO REACH our destination.
Few people can afford to eat in that restaurant. / That restaurant ... most people to eat there. (TOO)
That restaurant IS TOO EXPENSIVE FOR most people to eat there.
It's hard to sleep with such noisy neighbours. / The neighbours.... that it is hard to sleep (NOISE)
The neighbours MAKE SO MUCH NOISE that it is hard to sleep.
It was the most enjoyable party she had ever been to, She had never.... a party (FUN)
She had never HAD SO MUCH FUN AT a party.
We all felt hungry because the organisers didn't give us enough food. / The organisers provided us .... that everyone felt hungry. (LITTLE)
The organisers provided us WITH SO LITTLE FOOD that everyone felt hungry.
He was given a good grade because he gave an excellent answer to the question. / He.... that he was given a good grade. (ANSWERED)
He ANSWERED THE QUESTION SO WELL that he was given a good grade.
She spoke too quickly for us to understand. / She spoke... could not understand her. (THAT)
She spoke SO QUICKLY THAT WE could not understand her.
This is the best meal I've ever eaten / I have.... meal before (GOOD)
I have NEVER EATEN SUCH A GOOD meal before.