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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Synonym of unpleasantly hard and demanding (ending in h & has 5 letters)
Say a synonym of rich starting with w...
'By means' means ...
by using
by doing
These remarkable sounds were produced ....... means ..... magnetic waves.
by means of
....................  my colleagues, I'd like to say that we're delighted with the new acquisition.
On behalf of
Synonym of representing?
On behalf of
We worked 3 hours daily ..................... meals and accommodation. (get sth back)
in return for/in exchange for
I'm writing to you ............ r_____d ........... /.... the s_____  ........ your recent enquiry.
with regard to = on the subject of
Synonym of 'in exchange of'?
In return for
In return of
Synonym of due to?
on account of/because of
Meaning of 'in aid of'?
in order to help
in order to do
Say 5 words ending in -hood
Brotherhood, fatherhood, motherhood, neighbourhood, likelihood.
Say 8 verbs ending in -en
Shorten, thicken, lengthen, broaden, widen, harden, weaken, tighten, threaten.
Say  words ending in -ify
signify, modify, verify, codify, pruify, notify, classify.
The dancer's flawless performance .................. (fascinated-hypnotised) the audience.
Say 5 words ending in -ful
careful, harmful, successful, beautiful, thoughtful, meaningful, delightful, respectful, purposeful
Say 8 words ending in -less
harmless, selfless, careless, endless, fearless, helpless, homeless, doubtless
Complete the trio: funny - ? - ?
hilarious & humorous
Two synonyms of muddled
chaotic & confused
Complete the trio: interesting - ? - ?
gripping & absorbing
Two synonyms of staggering?
surprising & unpredictable
Synonyms of complicated?
complex, sophisticated
complex, sophisticating
Complete the trio: terrible - ? - ?
appalling - disastrous
Complete the trio: believable - ? - ?
convincing - plausible
Complete the trio: wonderful - ? - ?
awesome - splendid
Complete the trio: beautiful - ? - ?
stunning & gorgeous
They played poker all night and .......................... (neither lost nor won money)
broke even
break even
Fifty euros for that piece of junk? What a ......
Reducing fuel consumption, even by a few litres a week, can ........................
pay dividends.
give dividends.
Pay my way means....
split the bill
If you smoke, sooner or later, you'll ....................
pay the price
Investing in renewable energy ..................... in the long term
pays for itself
pay for itself
I'll sell you my bike but you have to pay me in .....................
hard cash
Money in the form of notes and coins as opposed to a cheque or a credit card.
hard cash
To spend a lot of money unnecessarily >>>
To spend money like water
To spend money like air
Ultimately we don't............................. and the government decides how to spend the money.
hold the purse strings
Control how many is spent >>>
Hold the purse strings
Hold the notes
We can afford to buy that car, it really won't ...............................
break the bank
break the credit
It's time for the mayor to ............................ and increase funding for schools.
put his money where his mouth is
put his money where his eye is
I'd like a new bike, but I have to think about it - .....................................
money doesn't grow on trees
money doesn't grow in trees
They were willing to ..............................for that car.
pay through the nose
pay through the mouth